Once a month, a few guys (30-40) gather together on the first Saturday of each month to eat breakfast, fellowship, enjoy a biblical devotional thought, and have a special time of praise and prayer. We are always hoping to add to our group. It’s exactly what we need. The food is great, but the encouraging edification is even better! It’s a special time when we can relax and be devout men. Not that these men are any better than any other men. But these men have chosen to make this time something that makes a difference in their lives. They want to live better lives. They want to grow closer to God and each other. They want to be better fathers, grandfathers, uncles, sons, and husbands. They are devoted to the idea of being better than they are. Being devoted to being better than you are, requires us to realize that we have areas that need improvement and growth. Our devout men here at NHCOC are not perfect. Instead, these are men who are devoted to asking for help and being the help someone needs. 

Men need to realize that we need God and we need each other and that there is no level of manliness that can be achieved to the point that one does not need God or other people for encouragement. It’s important to never be too proud to ask for help or to be too arrogant to help someone else. 

Men need God because who else will rescue us from the death of sin? Paul says, “Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, on the one hand I myself with my mind am serving the law of God, but on the other, with my flesh the law of sin” (Romans 7:24-25). Without the help of God, we would all be without any hope, and there is nothing we can do to save ourselves from the condemnation of our souls. God reaches down in our obedience with His long arm (Isaiah 59:1) and saves us lifting us up from the wickedness and the consequences that come. 

Men need each other because who else knows what we are going through? Wisdom says, “Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17). We are good for each other. When we have an influence on others and others have an influence on us, we all become better men in the process. Your encouragement, your love, and your help make all the difference in someone’s life. Use your influence to make someone better than they are. And allow someone else’s influence to make you better all at the same time. 

TOMORROW at 8:30 am… a few of us men will gather together at the Paul H. “Rocky” Willmuth Shooting Sports Complex (3600 N Saint Louis) to eat breakfast, fellowship, and enjoy a biblical devotional thought and a special prayer time. We will gather together because we need help from God and each other.

After the devotional around 9 amANYONE and EVERYONE are welcome to join us as we shoot guns!

Come join us. 

I love you, 
