We are winding down another quarter of Bible classes here at NHCOC as May is the final month for the Spring. Summer will be here in just a few weeks, which means new Bible classes will be offered, and our kids will begin a new quarter with new teachers and new lessons. June 4th is also our Promotion Sunday, when kids move up to the next level in our education program. This means that any 6th graders will be promoted into the North Heights Youth Group. This is kinda a big deal for Kira and me because it means we don’t have any children in the lids classes anymore.

With that in mind, let me say this…

From our experience, Bible classes make a huge difference in your children, and you would be wise to bring your children to learn and grow in an organized, structured setting like Bible class. I know you should, and maybe you are teaching your kids at home. Well, keep doing that. But don’t ever underestimate the value of your children learning with other kids their age in our Bible classes at NHCOC. Our teachers work hard, the class material is fantastic, and the opportunity for them to learn is immeasurable.

Let me be completely upfront with you about this. I know of parents that now look back on when they raised their kids, and they regret not bringing them to Bible classes. Whether or not you agree with them or not, those same parents now believe that Bible classes could have made a huge difference in their kid’s life. If anything, it could have provided them with quality Bible classes that would have fostered opportunities to know the Bible better, and maybe, perhaps those kids would have remained faithful. It is not a guarantee, but it might have helped, and it couldn’t hurt. I know it’s difficult at times to get up early and be ready, out the door on time for Sunday morning bible class at 9 am or after a long day of school/work to get the kids fed, cleaned up, and ready for Bible class on Wednesday evenings at 6:30… But Bible classes make a huge difference. It will be worth it to you later on. You don’t wanna be like the parents above who now regret not bringing their kids.

Bible classes are good for your kids, and guess what? We have them for you too. Just make it a thing that you do. Put as much effort into being there as you do anything else for your kids. Why? Because Bible classes make a huge difference!

Proverbs 22:6

Train up a child in the way he should go,
Even when he is old he will not depart from it.

God loves you, and so do I,

Alexander Mills