My friend and colleague in Kingdom work, Trey Morgan, posted this today. I thought it was too good not to share. How much effort does any of this take? 

Here are a few additional thoughts to further encourage. 

Pausing to pray for someone, for strength, for endurance, for faithfulness, or forgiveness is so easy. Just stop what you are doing now, say a few words to the Almighty, and see what He can do. 

Letting an offense go translates to us being a forgiving people, and it might be challenging. Still, it becomes easier when we remember how much we have been forgiven. 

Helping someone in need means, we must be on the lookout for someone struggling. We need to be seeking opportunities to be difference makers. 

Being kind when others are not challenges us to be different than the rest of the world. Just remember God calls us to be transformed, not conformed. 

Working for God and not for others’ approval helps us keep things in perspective. You are on this earth right now, in this moment, for the purpose of God’s glory. Use your time wisely to please the one who controls all. Others will only be disappointed when we make mistakes. God’s grace, however, is abundant, and His mercy is everlasting. 

Checking on a friend you haven’t seen in a while reconnects us with people we love. Brotherly kindness is a Christian virtue that takes effort. Go out of your way to reconnect with someone who might need your encouragement today. You might call, text, or drop by at just the right time. 

Trusting God with something you’re worried about releases it from your control and gives it to God. You are not the manager of the universe; stop trying to be. Let the one who is, handle all things. 

Have a good day…

Thank you, Trey, for letting me use your words as inspiration. You, my friend, always encourage me. 

God loves you, and so do I, 

Alexander Mills