Over the past few years, it has been my pleasure to help facilitate premarital counseling for several couples here at North Heights and for couples in our community outside our church family. I have also been asked to help couples who are struggling in their marriages. It’s one of my most favorite things to do. I am not a licensed counselor, and I disclose this to the couples from the beginning. However, I am married and think my marriage is very successful. Over the years, I have watched and learned from other married couples to see what a successful marriage looks like. I use these experiences paired up with God’s word to give biblical advice on how married relationships should be. It is such a blessing.

This aspect of my work as a minister is such a blessing because, after each counseling session with a couple, I have the opportunity to evaluate my own marriage. Then, I try to make adjustments to be a better husband. It reminds me of the dynamic that can be found in the mind of a teacher.

Whenever a person prepares and delivers a lesson, the teacher seems to benefit the most. The teacher has poured over the material. The teacher prays for the study to not fall on deaf ears. The teacher reflects back on the lesson to give self-critiquing advice. The teacher is the one that is aware of the improvements needed in the lives of the student. The teacher is the one who is able to witness the growth and progress in the lives of the students.

What a blessing to be a teacher.

Personally, it has been a privilege to be a teacher, preacher, counselor, and minister. I have grown. I have learned. I have studied. I have developed. I have improved. As it turns out, what is good for you is good for me. And I pray that God will still continue to use me in this way for His glory and the expansion of His Kingdom.

Quick plug… If you ever need someone to talk to or if your marriage needs biblical advice. I am more than willing and see it as a privilege to help you and encourage you.

Let me know how I can help.

I love you,