What would you do to get to Heaven? I bet that if the requirement was that you had to be able to lift 500 pounds, you would be hitting the gym regularly and pushing yourself to lift more and more. If the pearly gates were located at the very southern tip of South America and you can walk straight through them if you don’t use any kind of machine to get there, then I bet you would start gearing up for the long hike. If God asked you to do some great task to get to Heaven, I bet you would be all over it.

When Naaman had leprosy, he sought out Elisha to be cleansed. Elisha told him to wash in the Jordan river and that would take care of it. But Naaman got angry because he had in mind to be cleansed another way. His servants, however, gave him some wisdom: “My father, if the prophet had told you to do some great thing, would you not have done it? How much more, then, when he tells you, ‘Wash and be cleansed’!” (2 Kings 5:13).

If God asked us to do some great thing, we would surely do our best for it. But what He asks is that we believe in His Son, leave our lives of sin, be baptized into Christ’s resurrection, and live for Him.

Christ has already done the great thing for us. What small thing do you need to do to share in His victory?