I’m out of town this week, preaching a Gospel Meeting, but I had a thought on my mind that I wanted to share. Actually, the thought is Paul’s, so let me quote him…

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

(Philippians 1:21)

Paul’s perspective on life was that he was here to serve, and when that service was done, then—and only then—would he rest forevermore. Compared to conventional thinking, that is a completely backward view of life and death. Most people live as though their lives belong to them, that they should be free to live however they want, doing whatever they want, because they only have one life to live. “You only live once, so you better not waste it doing anything you don’t want to do,” etc. You can even hear hints of that worldly philosophy from some who profess Christ. They might not say it outright, but many live as though they are free to do whatever they want, and then, when they die, they will go live with God: “My life is for me, and when I’m dead, then I’ll belong to God.”

No way.

Paul says “My life is for God, and when I’m dead, I’ll rest with God.” There is no “for me” anymore. I HAD a life to live and I wasted it by doing whatever I wanted. I sinned and condemned myself. How thankful I am that God gave me a second life to live. All I had to do was put my old one to death and rise again to live for Him (Romans 6). Now that I have, my life belongs to Him. I will serve, serve, serve, and then when I’m dead, I will rest.

I can’t think of a better way to spend the rest of my time here on this earth, can you?
