Any good character study always intrigues me. I was reading through Hebrews again this week and paused for a moment to think about all the individuals that were mentioned in chapter 11. I started to think about how these people’s lives are written out for us to read and from which we can learn so much. We can learn about relationships, righteous and sinful behavior, and what to do and what not to do. We can learn about God and what he expects from us. and how us being faithful to him is the most important.  When I got to Abraham jotted down these thoughts. that I think are worth to be shared. 

We must be willing to leave what is comfortable and serve God anyway. Abraham left all he knew. He left his country, friends, and family to follow God’s call to him. God did not tell Abraham where to go; rather, God said, “I will show you” the land. So Abram got up and obeyed God in a very uncomfortable situation. Did you know it’s okay to be uncomfortable? Not every little thing that you need you get. You might be cold; you might be hungry; you might be tired. You might not be able to watch Netflix or charge your phone. Still, we should be able to get up and serve God no matter what. Be willing to leave what you have always known and serve the Lord. We especially need to leave the sin that we comfortably engage in and be vulnerable by humbly submitting to God to obey His will. Abraham’s obedience is in the fact that he went. He started moving even if the moving was difficult. He started heading in the direction that God told him, and everything changed. During this time, moving from one land to another was not as easy as it is today. There were so many unknown obstacles in Abram’s path. But still, Abraham was obedient. Because he was willing to obey God even if he was uncomfortable. Are you?

I love you, 
