Why We Should Attend Bible Classes Regularly

The Apostle Paul says to the young preacher, Timothy, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15 – KJV)

We firmly beleive there is great value in studying God’s Word. We want to encourage you to study at home with your family but we also want to encourage you to join us for all the Bible classes we offer every quarter. These classes are not designed to teach you everything you will ever need to know but they are designed to be thorough enough to wet your appetite for further study in your own personal endevors to understand the inspired message from God as found in the Holy Scriptures.

As the local church we strive to provide a supplement to Bible studies you are doing in your home with your family and friends. Our adult Bible class teachers are well prepared and equipped to provide excellent lessons to present to students at all spiritual maturity levels. Therefore we ask that you please make it a priority this to attend and be ready to learn with your bible in hand. We hope you will learn and grow in your knowledge of the Bible and deepen your faith and relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe there are many amazing advantages in attending to Bible classes but here are three we want to highlight for you today that we beleive will motivate you in your attendance and commitment to leaning in the Bible classes we offer here at NHCOC.

1. Attending a Bible class provides a systematic approach to Bible study where each lesson builds upon another.

2. Attending a Bible class provides a better understanding of the Bible where you will grow wiser and more knowledgeable in God’s will for you.

3. Attending a Bible class provides an opportunity where you can be involved, make comments, and learn from each other.

Make the commitment to be here and attend Bible classes. Just watch how we will grow together! You’ll be glad you did!

For the Lord,

Alexander Mills

(Outreach & Involvment Minister)

Spring 2024

Sunday AM Adult Bible Classes

Wednesday Evening Mid Week Bible Study