This Sunday morning, I have the privilege of preaching a sermon that is inspired by a VBS theme from many years ago called “Can You Dig It”. I am fascinated with archaeology and the investigation that comes with it to understand our past. I’m a huge fan of the Indiana Jones movies and wanted to be him when I grew up. This Sunday, I get to live through him as we investigate some of the archaeological graves of the ancient world. I think it will be a fun and exciting sermon but also one that is thought-provoking. I’m hoping it will motivate you to think about your final resting place and your eternal destiny.  In preparation for Sunday and to get your mind to start thinking, read 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18.

Make it a priority over everything else this Sunday to be in worship and invite someone to join you.

Bible class begins at 9 AM, and worship is at 10 AM.

I love you,

Alex Mills