Last Sunday I was so encouraged by the crowd of people gathered to worship here at NHCOC. 382 is an impressive number of souls that are eager to worship and serve the Lord. I mentioned how I would love for us to have an average of 400+ in 2024 and that it is not about the number but about the souls and life that can be influenced and dedicated to God. But to get to 400+ its gonna take a lot of work right now in 2023. I am absolutely convinced that we can do this. God has asked us to go and make disciples and that is what we need to be all about (Matthew 28:19-20). 

The way it will work is if we constantly talk to people about the Lord and His Kingdom. Let them about Jesus. Tell them about the church. Invite people to worship. Invite people to our game nights, fellowships, and bible classes. Invite constantly and we will reach this goal. 

Reaching a certain number is not the end. We need to alway be thinking “AND ONE”. Invite one person and one more. Then do it all over again. 

Let’s get to work NHCOC!

God loves you and so do I, 

Alexander Mills