The Scriptures provide us with insight into what it means to be a shepherd for God’s people. God has always had leaders who guided and helped the people of God grow spiritually closer to Him. At various times, it was the father of a family or a judge over the nation of Israel. Sometimes it was a man like Moses or Joshua. In other times there were kings, like David and Solomon. In the Law of God, the priests are given specific work to teach the people and administer the activities in the temple of God. 

Shepherds are to lead the people spiritually and help them grow into what God desires for them to be. In the New Testament, there are a variety of roles that God has established to help churches be what God intended. Ministers, preachers, and deacons who serve are a few. God also has established in each local church the role of shepherds. This responsibility has a variety of descriptions found in the New Testament, some of which are, elder, bishop, pastor, overseer, and shepherd. All of these words are used differently to describe the same leadership work in the church. The men serving in this way help feed the local congregation of Christians. 

It is the shepherds who lead each Christian in service to Jesus. They do this in many important ways. One of which is to teach what the Bible says, showing other people what God expects and how to please Him. When Christians obey and submit to the teachings of the Bible, then Christians grow closer to God. When Christians disobey and rebel against the teachings of the Bible, then Christians have the opportunity to grow closer through the discipline and guidance of their shepherds. This is God’s design for the local church, and any church is blessed with shepherds willing to do this tough work. 

Let us appreciate the hard work of our shepherds here at NHCOC. Are you up for a challenge? Call or text them and let them know how much you appreciate their shepherding. Send them an encouraging card or letter in the mail. Give them a pat on the back the next time you see them. Show then how much you appreciate the shepherding of the shepherds. 

I love you, 

Alex Mills