In John first epistle, he writes this oft-repeated and beautiful illustration about faithful living…

But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with Another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin.

(1 John 1:7)

To be in Jesus is to cleansed from our sins. Put simply, as long as you are walking in the light you will not be lost. In fact, you cannot be lost if you’re walking in the light, because to be in the light is to be in the possession of the One whose hands are too strong for the devil to pry away (John 10:28). There should never be a doubt in any Christian’s mind whether or not he is saved and going to Heaven. A person knows if he is living the way God wants. The Bible is clear. The way is not foggy; indeed, it is bathed in light. If you are walking the Way, you are always saved.

I fear my brethren and I haven’t done a good enough job emphasizing that point. There are too many Christians who talk about their salvation as a past-tense affair. They say things like “well I was saved, but I don’t know if I am anymore.” Stop thinking of your salvation as a moment in time that occurred five years ago, or five months ago, or five decades ago. Salvation is a state of being. It’s not that you “were” saved; it’s that you “are” saved. You exist, now, as a saved person, and as long as you live like a saved person, you will continue to be a saved person.

That’s something to be thankful for, not fret over.

~ Matthew