Yesterday was the National Day of Prayer. I am sure millions of people all over the nation stopped at some point during the day to speak to the Almighty God. Right? Surely, they did. I hope so. I hope you did. Throughout the day yesterday, I found opportunities to pray as usual in my routine times that were out of habit. But then there was one time yesterday evening when someone texted me, and it was apparent they needed prayer. So my head bowed, and I began to speak to God.

Prayer is a fascinating spiritual discipline. We can and should pray when circumstances are heartbreaking, but what I find interesting is that we can and should pray when circumstances are praiseworthy. If you are like me, I struggle to know how to balance that out. I probably tend to speak to God more when I or others are hurting, desperate, or simply in need. With that thought in mind, I am going to work on balancing out my prayers by challenging myself to pray over the good and the bad, the heartbreak and the praiseworthy. Will you join me?

Here is the strategy I’m taking, and maybe you could do this with me:

  1. Let’s set reminders on our phones to pray throughout the day. When we get up, midmorning, noon, midafternoon, evening, and when we lay down for the night, let’s praise in prayer.
  2. Let’s not overlook the simple blessings in our lives. When we observe the weather, whether rain or sunshine, let’s offer a prayer of praise. When we put on our glasses, brush our teeth, or take our medication, let’s pause to thank God. Even the mundane tasks, like turning on the lights, adjusting the air conditioning, or talking to our loved ones, can be opportunities for prayerful praise.
  3. Let’s stop in the moment to pray when someone tells us good news. When someone tells us it’s their birthday, they got an A on the math test, I had an excellent annual review, or dinner is ready, let’s praise in prayer.

Let’s not use prayer only as a desperate call to the Sovereign God. Let’s challenge ourselves to praise in prayer and take a more balanced approach.

“pray without ceasing” – 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Let’s praise in prayer together!

For the Lord,

Alex Mills