Congratulations on such a wonderful accomplishment. I know and understand the stresses of High School and the time and effort you have put into the academic work. I know the late nights at ball games and the struggle to keep grades up in conjunction with all of your extra activities. You have put in long hours, and now you are here at this moment before the summer begins, and you take your continued steps towards adulthood. Make sure you realize that adulthood is a process and that we all are still learning. You don’t have to have it all figured out. But take one day at a time and think about how you can best glorify God in all that you do. As you make plans for the days and months ahead, pause for a moment and meditate on the wise words here: 

Hear, my son, your father’s instruction

And do not forsake your mother’s teaching;

Indeed, they are a graceful wreath to your head

And ornaments about your neck.

My son, if sinners entice you,

Do not consent.

~ Proverbs 1:8-10

Whatever is in your future, whatever you have planned, remember the words above and realize that even Solomon had to walk through a path of struggle to get to the place he was. He had tasted rebellion and hated it. In his own words, it was the “vanity of vanities” and a waste of life (Ecc. 1). 

Since the beginning of your life, you have been taught, warned, lectured to, prayed over, counseled, disciplined, and given instructions by people that love you. Don’t be bitter towards your training in righteousness; it was and remains good for you. 

When you cross paths with people who reject Christ or with people who love sin over righteousness, they might try to invite you to join in. As you consider what is right and what is wrong, remember God’s Word, His love, His forgiveness, and His path for you. Don’t give in to evil and sinful desires but instead stay on track with what is good, moral, and godly. Remember to study the Scriptures over anything else you might want to learn. This will pay off in the long run and will never let you down. While technology will change and your talents might diminish. Your knowledge and application of God’s word will carry you into eternity. 

Finally, graduate, remember these things. 

  • Your parents love you. 
  • God loves you. 
  • Your church loves you. 
  • You need the church. 
  • The church needs you.
  • Your life is valuable.
  • I’m here to help you.
  • Your soul is precious. 
  • There’s always someone to talk to.
  • Always glorify God. 
  • Love the Lord with everything you are. Your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Congratulations again. We are happy for you and can’t wait to see what you do in the future. 

God loves you, and so do I,

Alex Mills