I do not trust my memory so I am constantly writing down ideas. Sometimes I write devos for this website days or even weeks ahead of time. That’s the case here, as I had this idea to do an article of just devotional-tweets. Then Elon Musk bought twitter and everyone went crazy with some saying they’re never getting back on and others saying they’re signing up for the first time, blah blah blah. I do not care one bit about any of that. I had the idea before anyone was even talking about buying Twitter. I wrote these back when Twitter was run by the other guy. I’m posting them now under new management. Who cares? Let’s not base our life choices over what sinners do, and let’s stop seeing every action through the filter of what 24/7 News has told us to freak out about today.

Okay, I’m off my soapbox. Here’s this:

on sin…

on worrying about (or trusting in) the past…

on being a hypocrite vs a convert…

on the struggle to stay faith-filled…

on Saul’s conversion…

on pushing against the tide of hardships…
