It snowed last night. And snow usually does one of two things for most people, it either allows them to do what they want to do or it gets in the way of what they want to do. Some people can’t wait to play in the snow. It’s the best thing ever! They want to go sledding and build a snowman and make snow angels. And to do that, you need snow on the ground. For some people, though, they have other things to do and snow just gets in their way. It is a nuisance. It keeps them from doing what they would rather be doing. Nothing is different about the snow itself, but it’s viewed in two entirely different ways.

How do you view the Word of God? Is it a set of rules to be followed? A list that is denying you of the things you want. Or is it a love story showing how God never gives us on His children and is leading them toward redemption?

Is the Word of God a nuisance or a joy? That all depends on what our priorities are. If our priority is knowing God and growing in our relationship with Him, then His Word is what we look forward to. But if we are focused on other things, particularly worldly things, then the Word of God is something that gets in the way and must be endured instead of enjoyed.

Whether you are enjoying this snow or if it is complicating things for you (I’m not a big snow person) I hope that spending time in the Word is not something that gets in the way of what you want to do, but that it allows you to do what you want to do. Today, may the Word of God dwell within you richly and bring you closer to our Lord.