Have you ever noticed that when you ask someone how they’re doing, they will most likely respond with one word? Most times, it’s probably the word, “good”. 

What does that even mean? Surely, there are other words to help us describe our emotional status, right?

What if we were to explain a little further some of the feelings we have in various situations and circumstances? When I counsel people, I like to dig a little deeper than just the surface of their emotional descriptions. I also think it’s important to provide biblical verses that will further help us understand how to encourage or cope with these feelings depending on the emotion. Let me give you an example: 

If you tell me you are feeling HAPPY:

Then I would want to investigate further to determine if you are having feelings of: 

Creativity, cheerfulness, inspiration, energy, hopefulness, or excitement

If you tell me you are feeling SAD:

Then I would want to investigate further to determine if you are having feelings of: 

Fatigue, boredom, guilt, shame, loneliness, or depression 

God did not just give us a few emotions, and we don’t have to suppress or limit them to just a few descriptive words. Let’s talk more about them, use our emotions to God’s glory, and control them in such a way that helps us have healthy Christian lives. 

Christians should discover ways to feel and evaluate our emotions according to Scripture. We should talk to God about how we are feeling because God is an emotional being, and we are created in His image. He knows us just as much as He knows Himself. We should also talk to others about how we are feeling because expressing emotions is one of the most human things we can do. It is at the heart of what God wants from us. The emotion of love is what motivates our dedication to God and is the focal point of the greatest command.

Matthew 22:37-38 – And He said to him, “ ‘YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.’ This is the great and foremost commandment.

If you ever want some guidance on your emotions, come talk with me. I’ll be glad to help you and counsel you with appropriate biblical emotional responses.

I love you,

Alex Mills