Over the last several weeks, I have noticed intense energy when our church family is together for worship, fellowship, or any service project. The circumstances over the previous year+ have limited our time and opportunity to be together. These circumstances are changing. Change is good in this context. Change in our church is producing energetic zeal and enthusiasm. 

The early church in Acts 2 was energetically zealous and enthusiastic about that which they were involved. There was a fresh new perspective on who they were and to what they belonged. Their holy zeal resulted in their daily growth. From their fervent preaching, evangelistic efforts, and heartfelt desire to serve others, the early church exponentially exploded with new believers who dedicated themselves to keeping the fire going. 

Over the years, we might have lost that energy. We might have gotten complacent and lackadaisical toward loving God and loving our neighbor. Right now, I believe we are at a crossroads where the church can choose to go back to what was “normal,” or we can plunge headfirst into a change that will produce energetic zeal and enthusiasm, which will result in exponential growth for the Lord’s Kingdom. 





Whatever you want to call the vivacity I have noticed when we are together is fine with me. It’s good, and it feels different than ever before. It’s a good change and what we have needed for many years. It feels as if everyone is so glad to be together and loves God as we love each other. Don’t fight against it. Don’t bring any negativity into it. There is no room for negativity in the church ever. We won’t put up with it. The energetic zeal and enthusiasm we have will squash your pessimism like a squashed slug in a farmer’s garden. 

I challenge you to jump on board and embrace this healthy change, or you will be left behind wondering what you are missing in your life and in the life to come. 

It’s time for us to make statements like Elijah:

“I have been very zealous for the LORD, the God of hosts;” (1 Kings 19:10).

Or, like king Jehu:

“Come with me and see my zeal for the LORD” (2 Kings 10:16).

Or, like Paul:

“But it is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing” (Galatians 4:18).

I’m committed to energetic zealous enthusiastic change.

How about you?

I love you, 
