I just finished reading the book of Matthew yesterday (Maybe you did too, or you are about to if you are reading through the NT with me in 26 days). Every time I read the gospel accounts of the resurrection(Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), I am even more amazed that Jesus was undoubtedly raised from the dead. Death could not overcome Him. Every reputable biblical scholar today will affirm the fact that Jesus was no longer in the grave after He died and was buried. Substantial evidence can be corroborated with biblical and, what’s more, extra-biblical evidence. Here is a small snippet of five proving truths to support the evidence that Jesus was, in fact, raised from the dead.

  1. Jesus was undoubtedly crucified by the Romans around AD 30 – No credible scholar today denies that Jesus existed or that he was crucified in Judea by Roman rule. It is ridiculous to believe or to teach that Jesus did not die on the cross because the Romans were professional executors.
  2. Jesus was undoubtedly buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea – all 4 gospels affirm this fact, and there is no reason to deny it. There is no reason to think the church would create a person or an event like this unless it actually happened.
  3. The tomb was discovered undoubtedly empty on the 3rd day – Just as much as there is evidence that Jesus was buried after his death, there is as much evidence that the tomb was empty shortly afterward. The fact that all the gospels confirm that it was women that found the empty tomb first. There is no way the early church would have made this story up and put women as the primary witnesses. If Jesus was still in the tomb, then the gospel would not have been able to be preached in Jerusalem because the evidence was right there. Someone could go over there and check the tomb and see it as being empty. The accusation of the body being stolen assumes that the tomb was empty.  Finally, the fact that Christians began to worship on the first day of the week demonstrates the significance of the event that the tomb was empty on the 3rd day after He was killed and buried on Friday… Saturday. (the second day) comes, and Jesus is still there. Sunday comes (the third day), and Jesus is resurrected, and He is not there.
  4. Many credible witnesses undoubtedly saw Jesus alive – Not only was the tomb empty, but there were many appearances of Jesus alive after He was dead, even up to 500 people at once. (1 Corinthians 15:3-8) There is no way that all 500 people hallucinated, nor could they all have the same story. Someone would break if it were made up. No one broke.
  5. The disciples’ lives were undoubtedly transformed after Jesus was resurrected – The disciples gave their life work for the spread of the gospel, even losing their lives for the story to spread. There is no way in their right mind someone would be willing to die for a lie. It must have been true; therefore, they were willing to give their lives for it to be told.

The evidence is undoubtedly overwhelming. 

We should stand amazed in awe of the resurrected Jesus Christ, Lord of our lives! It is what gives us hope for all things!

I love you,
