I heard that law enforcement officers who deal with counterfeit money learn to recognize false currency, not by studying fake bills, but by studying the original. They study it so intently that when they are presented with a fake, the flaws stand out like a sore thumb.

How well do you know the teachings of the Bible? Would you be able to spot a false teaching if it came before you? I guarantee that you see these almost every day. And if you aren’t paying close attention, the devil is going to sneak one by you.

Have you heard anything like this recently:
God’s always there if you need Him!
Believe in yourself!
God wants you to be happy!

They sound pretty good, don’t they? They sound like something you might hear in the Scriptures. But when compared to the original, they don’t quite match up.

God is always there and we always need Him. There is no keeping Him in reserve for the hard times. (Isaiah 26:4).
Believe in yourself? No. At some point you will fail. Believe in God. He will never fail. (Prov 3:5).
God may be pleased for you to be happy occasionally. But what God wants first is for you to be holy. (1 Pet 1:16).

These are just three of many thousands of counterfeits that the devil tries to slip by you. Anything that is not to the glory of God should be met with skepticism. Know the original and don’t let anyone (not even us preachers) tell you anything different.

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! (Gal 1:8)