Did you know things don’t always go my way? It’s frustrating at times because I think if everyone did it the way that I think things should be done then life would be better. It’s my opinion sure… but I have the right to have one just as much as you do. Now, if I could get you all to see it my way then we could all get along. 

Reality is… life is not that way. When it comes to the comparison of doctrine and Christian life, doctrine does not move. Doctrine remains the same and is not up for debate. But when it come to all other things in the life we need to be agreeable. We need to have an attitude of “my way is not always the best way”. I could be wrong. I don’t like it when I am but I need to be real and understand that you might have a better way of doing things than my way. So here a couple of ideas on how to be an agreeable person. 

1. Refrain from being too quick to judge. – Everyone around you has their own personal problems and struggles and if you think you have got it all figured out then that is at least one thing you have not got figured out . Be careful with how you interact with people and make sure that you consider your own failings before you make a decision about how someone else should handle their life. Matthew 7:1-2 says, “Do not judge so that you will not be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.” Jesus is not saying not to judge. He is encouraging us to be careful if we judge. When someone makes judgement towards you, don’t you want them to do it with a measure of grace and love? Of course you do so be gracious and loving towards others when a judgement is made.

2. Seek out ways to go with the flow. – A number of years ago while at Harding University Kira and I were able to go on a mission trip to Brazil with several other Harding students. Dr. Edward P. Myers was our director and leader of our group. While there are numerous things that I have learned from Dr. Myers there was one rule and nugget of life coaching he provided on this trip that has stuck with me over the years. “Be flexible.” I have seen this in his life as he has demonstrated it time and time again and I have attempted to demonstrate it in my life, too. Sometimes there are obstacles that will present themselves or there are circumstances that are out of our control and the best thing we can do is work with it and go with the flow. In Acts 16:6 it says, “Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia.” It’s interesting to me to see God’s involvement in the mission work Paul and his companions were accomplishing. If the Holy Spirit is preventing or leading you from or to a certain thing then go with the flow and trust the providence of God. That’s the best course of action. Don’t fight against people or circumstances to always get your way. You might find yourself in disagreements with people more often than not. Be flexible and work with what you got and with whom you have to work with.

Being agreeable takes much discipline and effort. For some it comes very natural and for others it is something they have to work on for a life time. Whoever you are if we are all working on being agreeable in matters of opinion or options then imagine the world in which we could live. Imagine how much more enjoyable our lives would be if we worked on agreeing more by being less judgmental and more flexible. These are two things I’m going to work on more, starting today. How about you?

I love you,
