The Bible makes it clear that Satan is on the moving looking for someone to attack (1 Peter 5:8). The fight is coming to you whether you want it or not. Fortunately, God has provided armor for you (Eph 6:13-16). And the first piece of armor that is listed is the Belt of Truth. In other words, surround yourself with truth (NKJV doesn’t say Belt, it says gird your waist; gird means to encircle). I find it interesting that Paul mentions the belt first, since a belt is usually one of the last things you put on. So why is it that putting on truth is one of the first things we should do to be protected?

In John 17:17, Jesus says that God’s Word is truth. We are to surround ourselves with the Word of God, which is truth. Our enemy, Satan, is the father of lies. And that is how he mainly attacks us, by whispering lies to us. You can’t know what a lie is if you don’t know what the Truth is. Without being encircled by the Word of God, you won’t even know that you are under attack because as the VBS song goes “The devil is a sly old fox.” The easiest fight to win is one where your opponent doesn’t even know a fight is going on. Satan doesn’t come slashing and bashing at you. That would be obvious and you would have your shield up and your feet planted for the fight. But if he can just engage you in a casual conversation sprinkled with truth but cleverly full of lies, he can take you out without you even realizing he was your enemy.

We must surround ourselves with the Word of God (Truth) so that when the adversary whispers lies to you, red flags will go off in your head and God’s Word can come flooding in to combat the lies. Fill your mind with Truth, so that you can recognize when the battle is actually happening.