The Bible teaches that from the very beginning, God designed all things in His Creation. He does this with great precision and purpose. God made everything according to a perfect design, and by the power of His will, His creativity is on display. Pause for a moment and consider the African Flower Beetle. Did you know that his small little bug has a tail end that resembles an attacking creature with a mouth full of scary teeth? The reason is to ward off any attacking predators that may come up behind the beetle. This beetle had to have been designed this way from the beginning of time because it has no idea what its rear end looks like. Long ago, there was not a beetle that was constantly being attacked from behind, and finally, one day had enough and looked in a mirror to paint a design that was eventually integrated into its DNA so that future generations of beetles would be prepared and also be able to scare off attackers. No! This was planned from the beginning. God designed this beetle this way! 

We serve an amazing God who designs His creation down to the details so that, in nature, we can see He exists. You, too, are designed this way, not with a scary face but with precision and purpose.

Psalms 139:14I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.

God loves you, and so do I,

~ Alex Mills