We live in a crazy world. Not only can our own personal lives around us have the potential to drive us crazy but the world around us seems to be in chaos. We are constantly navigating through a world that includes life-threatening viruses, economic shaking struggles, and hot-headed leaders waging war against their neighbors. 

As followers of Jesus, what can we do? How should we respond to such chaos? What do we do with our questions to God and our questions about what is going on around us? How and where do we find the good news in a world filled with continual bad news? 

Look to Jeremiah –  He was a man that prophecied to the Israelites in the southern kingdom of Judah before they were taken captive by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar. In Jeremiah 27, he prophesied that they would serve this king, his son, and his grandson and that everything would be under their rule (Jeremiah 27:6-7). In the next chapter, a false prophet named Hananiah told the people fake news that God would free them and restore everything to them in two years. Jeremiah stood up to the falsehood and challenged Hananiah. He also said that Hananiah would be dead in two months. Jeremiah was right. In Chapter 29 Jeremiah encourages the people to live their lives while they’re in exile. While they are oppressed and the world is in chaos, go ahead and go to work, marry, plant, eat, and multiply. He says to the people that they will be in Babylon for 70 years and then they will be able to return home. 

God has a plan. It is a plan of hope and prosperity. God has a plan of good news! A plan of the gospel in Jesus. What we must do is stick to the plan. When the world is in chaos don’t freak out and deviate from the plan. God’s plan is better and it includes eternity with Him in heaven not just the short plan of our lives on this earth. Stay faithful to the plan of God and during the chaos it makes life that much easier when it is hard. It’s good news!

I love you,
