Happy Valentine’s Day! As we spend the day focusing on love, here is a simple reminder of what love is:

Does not envy or boast
Does not insist on its own way
Not irritable or resentful
Does not rejoice at wrongdoing
Rejoices with the truth
Bears all things
Believes all things
Hopes all things
Endures all things
Never ends

– 1 Cor 13

Today we may revel in the ooey-gooey, stary-eyed, butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling of love. But love is not a feeling. It is an action. It’s “More than words” (late 80’s band Extreme). God doesn’t just tell us that He loves us, he showed us the greatest love by “[laying] down his life for his friends.”

Today, be sure to tell your spouse that you love them. But even more so, show them that you love them.

P.S. How can you show God that you love Him?