A short devo this morning comes from the words of the wise man…

A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel. 

(Proverbs 12:10)

Dogs are wonderful; don’t mistreat them. What does this have to do with God? Well, for one thing: Cruelty to animals reveals a heart problem. If you’re abusive to dogs, I will instantly assume you are capable of abusing people. For another thing: Cruelty to animals shows you have no respect for the creation of God. We’re not talking about putting down a turkey with a well-placed shot. We’re talking about cruel abuse and a disregard for the constant hurt you are inflicting on someone (or something) else. Solomon says righteous people take care of their pets. Among the cruel, however, even their most tender actions are wicked. Be good to your dogs.

…and cats, I suppose.
