When faced with choices to make as I was growing up as a teenager and early adolescent, I many times would think about what my parents or grandparents would have me do. I did not want to hurt them or bring them shame. The possibility of causing that kind of grief often would deter me from choosing to do what was wrong. I often chose good, wholesome, righteous living because I did not want to face the wrath of the consequences of my parental figures. I also did not want to cause any heartache for them. I have seen many parents in agony because of their kids’ choices. I tried to avoid bringing any hurt to my family. 

As Christians, we need to have this same outlook when we are faced with making choices, but instead of worrying parents or causing them any hurt or grief, we need to be concerned about how God feels if and when we choose to do what is wrong. How does God feel when we rebel against Him? Ephesians 4:30 gives us a unique insight into God’s emotions when we do what is wrong. The verse says, “Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.”

The Holy Spirit of God feels grief when we choose to do what is wrong. In this context, Paul lists several things that cause the Holy Spirit to grieve. Including: 

  • Walking in worldliness (as the Gentiles walk) – Verses 17-19
  • Lying (Allowing falsehood to go on with those around us) – Verse 25
  • Living in anger (letting anger dominate our lives) – Verses 26-27
  • Stealing (Taking something that does not belong to you as your own) Verse 28
  • Cursing (Saying unwholesome ugly things to others or about others) – Verse 29
  • Bitterness, wrathful behavior, clamor, and slander (talking ugly, loud, and down about others with anger (Verse 31)
  • Sexual immorality (Being involved in sexual fornication or impurity) Verses 5:3-5)

These sins listed here are not the only sins we can be guilty of that would bring hurt to the Holy Spirit. These are just the ones that were mentioned by the apostle Paul in this context. The principle of sin hurting the Holy Spirit of God carries over to many Biblical passages. 

Here is the take-home for you and me. I don’t want to hurt the Holy Spirit of God, do you? Of course not. Nevertheless, when we sin, we grieve the Holy Spirit. 

Holy Spirit, help us all purge sin from our lives, so we don’t hurt You anymore. We are sorry, and we want to do better.