I NEED THEE EVERY HOUR, MOST GRACIOUS LORD, because every hour brings new struggles, new temptations, new misery, new frustrations, and new heartbreak. Not to mention, every hour brings a reminder of all the old struggles, temptations, miseries, frustrations, and heartbreaks that just don’t seem to want to leave me alone.

I need you, Lord. I need you because there is NO TENDER VOICE LIKE THINE that CAN bring me PEACE when I am weary, and no other voice can AFFORD me peace. That’s an old usage of the word, afford, but I only mean yours is the only voice that can accomplish peace in my heart every single time. Others might bring temporary relief, but it never lasts; yours is the only voice that can afford to bring me peace perpetually.

I NEED THEE, Lord Jesus. OH, I NEED THEE. Can you hear the desperation in my voice? EVERY HOUR I NEED THEE, and I know that’s asking a lot, to have you ever at the ready whenever I am in need, but I also know it is no trouble for you, since you never sleep, you never tire, and you never bore. In that case, while it would be asking a lot for me to call on my friends or my family at any and all hours of the night, I know when I wake up early in the morning, before the break of day, and need to talk to you, behold: There you are, ready and waiting.

It’s for that reason that I can say OH BLESS ME NOW, not later, MY SAVIOR. Sure, I know you don’t always do things when I think you should. You know better than me. But when I say “Bless me now” I’m not demanding; I’m pleading. I’m telling you how urgent and desperate I am. Take pity on me, merciful Master. I am in pain now so, naturally, I’m begging for relief right now. I COME TO THEE now, my King. Please, if it be your will, bless me now and give me peace.

In Jesus name,


