Writing these words makes me feel uncomfortable. Saying them out loud, it’s even more so. But if I’m gonna be honest with myself, with you, and with God, I need to get used to it. I need to be more willing to say, “I was wrong.” If I hurt you, I was wrong. If I did something contrary to God’s word, I was wrong. When I said that one thing… when I neglected that one thing… when I did what I wanted over what you needed… when I served myself more than I served you or God… I WAS WRONG.


That is tough to say. But James wrote and said this. 

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. 

James 5:16

Why is it so hard to admit when we are wrong? Maybe, we feel weak. Perhaps, we feel vulnerable. Maybe, we think others won’t respect us anymore. It could be several reasons. Whatever it is that hinders us from saying we were wrong and confessing our faults, we need to get over it really quickly. 

Telling others who love us and care about us, all about what we have done wrong, is therapeutic to our spiritual health. It’s good for us to confess our sins. Not only is a command, but it actually can spiritually strengthen everyone involved. 

For the person confessing, it can lift the feelings of guilt off their shoulders. 

For the person who is listening to the confessing, it can teach you what not to do and perhaps help you realize that others struggle. Maybe, even with the same sins, you do. It builds trust and reliance on each other. 

It might be difficult, but it is better to admit that I was wrong for all parties involved. 

Say it out loud for all to hear. 

Say it today and confess your sins to another person that you love and trust. 

Go ahead and say it. “I was wrong.”

I love you,
