Heavenly Father,

I approach your throne of grace with a heart full of gratitude for the incredible gift of my husband. Thank you for the bond of love that unites us in marriage and the journey we share.

Lord, I lift up my husband to you. I pray for his well-being, both physically and spiritually. Grant him strength and courage to face the challenges of life, and surround him with your love and protection. Help me to be a source of support, encouragement, and understanding for him in all circumstances.

Father, I pray for the depth of our connection as a couple. May our love continue to grow, and may we always prioritize and cherish one another. Guide us in our communication so that we may understand each other more deeply and work together in unity.

Lord, I ask for your wisdom in navigating the ups and downs of our marriage. Grant us both the patience to endure, the humility to forgive, and the grace to love unconditionally. May our home be a haven of peace, filled with the joy that comes from your presence.

I also bring before you any challenges or conflicts within our marriage. Lord, I pray for your healing touch in those areas that we may find resolution and unity. Help us build a marriage that glorifies you and is a testament to your grace and love.

Thank you, Lord, for blessing my husband and the privilege of sharing life with him. May our marriage be a reflection of your love and a testimony to the strength that comes from a union grounded in faith.

In the name of Jesus, I pray.



I imagine the family would be better off.

I imagine our churches would be stronger.

I imagine more people would be followers of Jesus.

I imagine our world would be a better place.

I imagine…

For the Lord,

Alexander Mills