I’m studying the Psalms this year, and not long ago I came across this little nugget…

Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever. 

(Psalm 104:5)

 The statement is a simple one, written purely to exalt the God who put all things into place. And yet, my mind went not to creation but destruction. I read those words “not be removed forever” and I think: Well, yeah, but “forever” in the Bible usually doesn’t mean a literal “forever.” Usually it just means “until God says so.”

In other words, the world is going to end. God has been promising it, whether humanity realized it or not, from the moment Noah first gazed at the rainbow. It will not end as a result of a great meteor strike. It will not end after a solar flare burps from our sun and fries the surface of our planet. It will not end due to alien invaders. It will not end because of carbon emissions.

The world will end at the last advent. The world will end when the trumpet sounds. The world will end when Christ returns. Until then, this world is here and is going to keep on spinning. This world and its foundations, were laid here by God and it will not be removed “forever” (“until God says so”). And whenever God does say so, that’ll be it. The world will end and there will be nothing you can do to prevent it.

I don’t know about you but I feel fine about it.

Anyway, that’s it. That’s the Devo. The world will one day blow up, but it won’t happen until God says so. Your future is in His hands.

Is your soul?

~ Matthew