Several centuries have come and gone while theologians have debated the divinity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We understand the Bible to teach how each person in the Godhead functions in three different distinct roles. 

Over twelve weeks ago, we investigated the role of God the Father as being the one who is the Creator, the Instructor, the Provider, and the Deliverer. While there may be other ways of describing His role, these four are the functions on which we focused that Sunday. 

Now on Sunday, when we all gather for worship, we will investigate the role of God the Son. There are many ways to describe the role Jesus plays in the Godhead. Some that could be mentioned are: the Savior, the Teacher, the Groom, and even the Warrior. However, on Sunday we will use one text to help us see four different functions the Son takes on as one of the persons in the Godhead. Some are very similar to the roles of the Father, while some are functions that only the Son does. Bring your bibles and let’s investigate Colossians 1:15-23 to learn about the Son. 

Go ahead and take the time to read the text ahead of time and see if you noticed the same things when we study it together during worship.

See you Sunday!

I love you,
