I hope you enjoyed your labor day yesterday. Hopefully, you were able to take the day off and enjoy the day free from work. Of course, for some of us, there is always work to be done. Some of us work every day in some way or another. Of course, it’s good to be reminded that God created us to be people that work. It will help us appreciate the much-needed rest later on.
Kingdom work NEVER ends. There are always people to check on, pray for, teach, encourage, love on, and save. We are to be a people who work in the vineyard of the Lord till the Master comes back to pay us our wages.
There’s a good church song we used to sing when I was a kid. I don’t hear it much anymore, but in the first line of verse 3 it reminds us:
To the work! To the Work! There is labor for all.
There is never a shortage of work to be done in the Lord’s kingdom. We all need to get busy and labor till the master comes!
In Matthew 20:1-16 Jesus tells us the parable of the workers in the vineyard and is a parable that is unique to Matthew’s Gospel. The owner of a vineyard hires day laborers at various times throughout the day. The ones hired at six o’clock in the morning put in a full day’s work. Those hired at five o’clock put in only one hour of work. But the owner pays everyone a full day’s wage. He goes out of his way to make sure that everyone knows that all are paid the SAME in spite of the different number of hours worked. Those who were hired first complain that they worked longer but earned no more money than those who started late in the day. “But the owner replied to one of them, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong; did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage?… Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or are you envious because I am generous?’ So the last will be first, and the first will be last”
Here is Jesus’s whole point: 
Entry into God’s kingdom is not gained by our work or action, but by the generosity of God. God is so generous with His work in the Kingdom it is not limited in the same way that we might limit people. God sees the big picture.
Here is my whole point: 
Get to work. Don’t complain. Be grateful you have a job in the Kingdom of Christ.
I love you,