When we decide not do something we probably should we come up with excuses to justify our reasoning. The problem is, like many other things, excuses stink! Moses learn this the hard way when he is called by God to lead the people of Israel out of Egyptians bondage. Every time Moses tried to explain away why he was not able to step up to the challenge God was presenting before him. Nevertheless, God answered every objection Moses gave, declaring them invalid. Moses offered lame excuses. 

I often will ask people what is their excuse for not obeying God. Why wait? Why reject? Why ignore? Why put off what God is asking you to do? 

Paul was asked, “Now why do you delay? Get up and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on His name” (Acts 22:16). 

This is a valid question for all people. Why are you waiting? Too many times I’ve heard lame excuses from all people no matter their age. 

  • The 12 year old will make the excuse saying they’re too young to worry about obeying God and thinking about spiritual matters. 
  • The 15 year old will make the excuse saying they’re too smart to worry about obeying God and wants to live little while their young and then figure out the God thing later on. 
  • The 18 year old will make the excuse saying they’re too independent to worry about obeying God and wants to live how they want and do what they want. 
  • The 26 year old will will make the excuse saying there too put together to worry about obeying God and wants to sit back and look at all they have accomplished in their early years. 
  • The 32 year old will make the excuse saying their too busy raising their own family to worry about obeying God and as soon as things settle down then we will consider “going to church”. 
  • The 42 year old will make the excuse saying they’re too preoccupied with other priorities that are more important than obeying God and it’ really probably too late to begin something new in their life. 
  • The 55 year old will make the excuse saying they’re too comfortable with the way things are to obey God and change is not easy for anyone. 
  • The 63  year old will make the excuse saying they’re too old to really learning any new things and they have already given it a try years ago and it did not turn out well. 

Actually, no really ever says these things out loud but boy ever do we think them. 

We need people that twill put away their excises and just concentrate on seeing God with no excuses as all. Any excuse we might come up with is invalid. It time to get to work no matter what age we are. 

I love you, 
