In the vast tapestry of creation, humanity holds a unique position. From the moment of our conception, we are endowed with a sense of dignity and purpose. Though we will continue to develop in the womb and grow/mature for the next twenty or so years afterward, the fact is: From the moment of conception our soul is complete. From the moment we “are,” we are special. We are made in the image of God from the beginning of our existence.

The Psalmist utters a remarkable thought on that subject. It’s one we know very well, but it includes an adverb that doesn’t get the attention it deserves…

I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

(Psalm 139:14)

I don’t think any Godfearing person would argue that we aren’t “wonderfully” made. The word speaks to the miraculous nature of our existence. We were made from dust. We were empty husks into which God breathed life. Life is a marvel. Life is a wonder. That’s not the adverb to focus on here, though.

We are “fearfully” made. What’s up with that? The word means “reverentially.” God is God and we are His creation. We revere Him. So why does David say God made us with reverence? The word doesn’t have to imply a sense of worship, but rather it can convey the idea of making something special. Obviously, when you worship something, you are making it special, but just putting something in high esteem is not, in and of itself, an act of worship. Instead, it’s an expression of care, love, and significance.

When God made us, He made us with care. When God made you, He made you with love. He regarded you as a significant part of His creation. You are special, because God made you that way. We are the “imago dei,” the objections of the Divine Imprint. We are made in the image of God, in other words. We have a unique (among the other aspects of creation) sense of intellect, emotion, and moral agency. We possess the capacity to reason, create, and love. Our ability to cultivate relationships, appreciate beauty, and seek truth are qualities given to us (with care) by God. Our physical bodies are a masterpiece of intricate design. From the complexities of our DNA to the harmony of our physiological systems, our bodies are delicately fashioned. The complexity of the human brain bears witness to the craftsmanship of our Creator. Our brains are an amazing creation; a blob of tissue constantly supercharged by tiny electrical currents. Though we’ve made amazing computers, humanity hasn’t come close to replicating the design and functions of the human brain.

Human life is a precious gift, not just because it is unique in creation, but because God made it so: He made the birds to fly with majesty. He made the fish to swim with grace. He made the stars to twinkle in magnificence, but He only made one creature with the capacity to speak back to Him, to worship Him, and to walk in fellowship with Him. He only made one creature with the means to express how special we are.

We are made with love. We are made with care. We are fearfully and wonderfully made.
