Tomorrow marks the beginning of 2022 and you have the power within yourself to make it great. You can choose to focus on negativity or on positivity. You can choose to focus on yourself or on others. You can choose to be a giver or a taker, to lead or follow, to care or to be apathetic, to serve or be served. You can choose be obedient to God or disobedient. The choice is yours to make. My best advice is for us to choose to make 2022 great by choosing the positive, godly, serving options mentioned above. See the goodness of the Lord all around you and embrace it.

I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of Yahweh In the land of the living.

Psalm 27:13

When your eyes crack open tomorrow morning day one begins of the new year and you have the opportunity to let your feet hit the floor in optimism within your power. Make it so.

I love you,
