There’s something about a mountain that God must especially love. When He came down to meet with the Israelites, He descended on top of a mountain. He spoke with Moses, Abraham, Elijah, and many others on mountains. Jesus, who being in very nature God, often would go up on a mountain to pray (before choosing the 12, before his arrest and crucifixion, and also just to be alone with God). Jesus also preached one of, if not the greatest sermons ever on a mountain. The transfiguration took place on a mountain. He gave the great commission where? You guessed it: on a mountain.

So what is it about mountains that’s so special? Here are some thoughts:

  1. Mountains provide solitude. Mountains are not heavily populated areas. When we are seeking to spend time with God, eliminating distractions is a must. Getting away from crowds, technology, all things that are associated with civilization…that helps us get closer to God by getting us away from the world. Naturally, God would love those places where His voice doesn’t have to compete with the cacophony of life.
  2. Mountains are grand. Think about the nature of a mountain. It’s huge, everlasting, noble, steadfast, yet containing a power that could bury cities in moment. Mountains illustrate the vastness of God. It is hard to feel like a big person when looking up at an enormous mountain. Perhaps we need to have that perspective with God more often.
  3. You have to put in some work to go up a mountain. It takes effort. You have to put in some time, sweat, and energy to rise above. It’s good to be reminded that God’s design is not to spoon feed us while we recline on a pile of pillows. We are expected to put in some effort to meet God. It is hard work climbing a mountain. But often, the greatest reward comes after the hardest climb.

So why all the talk about mountains? Well, this weekend, we will have our Summit Youth Rally. And we want you to come to the mountain. We want this to be a time of getting closer to God. Like all those great figures from the Bible, we want this to be a time of getting away and being in God’s presence. This weekend, we want you to climb all the way to the Summit to see what God has to say to you.

Get your hiking boots on and let’s start climbing!