One of the most well-known songs we use as an encouragement to respond to the invitation is “Just As I Am.” When we sing it, I am reminded of my doubts and feelings of inadequacy. It reminds me that even with my shortcomings, God wants me. He wants me just as I am. Therefore I sing out, “Oh Lamb of God, I come, I come.

The song “Just as I am” does not teach us that we are never to change. The Bible is clear, and it should be evident that repentance of sins and forgiveness is needed if God is going to accept us. God does not accept me just as I am if I continue in sin (Romans 6). We have to give up our old self and live as new creatures in Christ. With that in mind…

The song teaches us that we need to reevaluate our spiritual lives even after committing ourselves to Christ. Here’s the truth, repentance is not a one-and-done act, but on the contrary, it is a lifelong repetitive commitment. Even the most mature Christian sins and should desire repentance over and over. John writes to committed Christians and includes himself when he says, “If WE say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us” (1 John 1:8). The truth is repentance should be something we do all the time. With that in mind…

The song encourages us that you don’t have to get your life perfect before you come to Christ. Something I tell people all the time is, “Don’t think you gotta figure everything out before your start coming to worship or committing yourself to Christ. Come to Christ, come to worship, and the Lord will help you figure it all out.” Come to worship, come to Christ just as you are. Jesus does not expect to save those who are sinless. Jesus came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). Jesus came to heal the sick; healthy people don’t need a physician (Luke 5:31-32).

So here’s what we should do… The next time we sing this song, let’s all repent of our past sins and commit ourselves to sin no more, realizing that the Lamb of God wants us to come just as we are!

If you have sins in which you need to repent, then don’t hesitate to take care of it now. Come to Jesus just as you are and say a prayer asking for forgiveness.

If I can help you, guide you, love you, encourage you, let me know. I’m here to help.

I love you,

Alex Mills