First, please do whisper a prayer for my sweet Joshua. As usually happens to little ones when school starts back, he’s finding it a hard adjustment. He’s not the first one to have a hard time finding others who want to play with him, but that doesn’t make the pain any lighter, for him or for me.

This past Sunday night, after our great discussion on Heaven with Johnathan House, Joshua came up to me and said this…

“You know how you asked him what he thought Heaven would be like? Well I know what I think Heaven will be like: I think in Heaven, every day will be Sunday.”

What even is there to add to that? Those were his exact words, and they were so full of innocent, simple wisdom, the kind only a child could produce, that I was stunned to hear them. Yes sir, that is exactly right: In Heaven, every day will be Sunday. We will all be together, God’s family, and we will sing all day long, and praise all day long, and commune with our Savior all day long.

God said we would be and do like the angels (Matthew 22:30), and that’s what they do all day long. Even better is the idea that the “all day” of Heaven is a day that will never end. Forevermore we will be together, and we will never have a moment where we lack someone to sing with, someone praise with, someone to commune with, or even someone to play with.

~ Matthew