For some reason or another, this beautifully written little psalm is overlooked more often when God’s people list out their favorite Psalms. Even Martin Luther who wrote five large volumes covering the Psalms jumped right over Psalm 67 completely. Needless to say, this sweet little piece communicates for us to understand God’s way, His salvation, and His praise and how it covers all the earth. 

Here is what it says: 

God be gracious to us and bless us,

And cause His face to shine upon us—

That Your way may be known on the earth,

Your salvation among all nations.

Let the peoples praise You, O God;

Let all the peoples praise You.

Let the nations be glad and sing for joy;

For You will judge the peoples with uprightness

And guide the nations on the earth.

Let the peoples praise You, O God;

Let all the peoples praise You.

The earth has yielded its produce;

God, our God, blesses us.

God blesses us,

That all the ends of the earth may fear Him.

The psalmist knew we needed God’s grace and mercy for when we recognize that need then it prepares our heart and mind to be in the right place. We are sinners who need God’s grace and blessings. Some might need more than others, but we are all in desperate need of the same thing; salvation by grace. The request does not end there with the grace of God, the psalmist asks for God to bless us all with the shining of His glorious face upon us. It is one of the greatest gifts we can receive. It’s a blessing to know God looks at us and is pleased, not with who we are but who we could potentially be. 

The reason for this blessing is so that the whole earth will know God’s way of doing things. He loves his people and is actively giving them blessings. When everything around us is death, despair, heartache, and turmoil God gives blessings and more blessings.

While all the blessings are phenomenal, the greatest of these is God’s salvation. It is the most precious and needed blessing God gives. Therefore, we cry out to Him in praise. Let all the people praise God for this salvation and the reality of His Kingdom and His rule over all the nations and people. The answer to this cry is given as the earth is then able to produce and bless us all the more and people begin to fear and respect God as the provider of all. 

PAUSE at this moment and PRAISE the Lord for all the blessings He gives. 

Let all the people praise Him!

I love you, 
