My kids did not go to school today. They’re not sick nor is there any appointment or schedule to keep. My kids did not go because Kira’s Grandmother, Ethel, and her Uncle Rick are here visiting with us from Wisconsin. We decided to let the kids stay home because we believe there are lessons that are not always learned at school but can be learned from experiences with special people. Kinda like a field trip at home. We believe that this is a circumstance and situation that needs to be taken full advantage of. It’s not everyday that you get to spend with your out of state family.

One thing is for certain. Even though we have not seen Grandma in a few years nor Uncle Rick in several years there is an obvious special connection among family. We think family is everything. 

This translates well into the family of God. There is a special connection among the Christian family. We believe the connection among family needs to be taken full advantage of. 

The point is this… Never take family for granted. Your blood kin folk and your Christ’s blood kin folk are a blessing and you need to spend quality time with all of them. Sometimes life calls for you to play hooky and its worth every minute of it. 

I love you,
