This morning, my friend Kim Looney and I had the opportunity to be on the radio to promote the Austin Shay Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund Benefit event that is happening this Saturday evening at the Southside High School Auditorium. Trust me when I say this… This was not an easy interview to give but one that was necessary. Words were carefully chosen and spoken to make the greatest impact on those that were listening.

Saying the right thing is always nerve racking. Most people have a fear of public speaking or are a least nervous about it. Some people have anxiety about speaking to anyone at all. I think we are afraid of not saying the right thing. Let me give you a word of encouragement from the wisdom found in the scriptures.

Solomon said, “a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a network of silver” (Prov. 25:11). This simply stated proverb tells us of the beauty of a word spoken appropriately at the right time. Maybe, the pithy words could be a perfect reminder to Christians today that our own words should be carefully chosen for the moment with which we find ourselves. When you choose words to write or to say. Think about how they will impact those that read or hear them. Think about what message you want to get across.

Isn’t it neat, that out of all the creatures that God has created, we are the only ones that have the ability to craft words, both spoken and written, to communicate a message.

Isn’t it neat, that God has chosen words to communicate to us and for us to communicate to others the great message about His Son, Jesus.

Choose your words carefully. and intentionally. Don’t be afraid of the God given ability to use words to make a difference in others lives. Live each day and each moment with the desire to communicate, love, compassion, discipline, rebuke, patience, understanding, and comfort.

Don’t be afraid to say the right thing!

P.S. I hope you are making plans to be there for the event. There will be a BBQ dinner starting at 5pm ($10/plate) and a Concert 7pm ($20/ticket). There is also a silent Auction with all kinds of great things to bid on. The money raised in this event will benefit kids for many years in memory of Austin Shay Davis. 

~ Alex
