I’ve always told people, “Don’t wait until you get your life together before you come to Jesus. Come to Jesus, and He will help you get your life together”. Too many times, people think they have to face their sins on their own before God will accept them or be pleased with them. This is a lie of the Devil and one that needs to be eliminated from your mind. 

Another encouragement I try to give people is, “Don’t think you have to get your life together before you begin coming to worship with the church. Come to worship, and we can help you get your life together as you help us get our lives together, too”. The church is not made of perfect people but of imperfect people serving a perfect God. 

People come to church and worship for a variety of reasons. Some come just because we are commanded, some come for the fellowship, some come to be encouraged and comforted. Others may come to get help as they deal with sin in their lives. Therefore, we need to be willing to accept each other and encourage attendance as these people struggle to face their temptations. Not that we accept their sin, but we accept sinful people. When we are separated and isolated from each other, we are weak and sinful people but together and united, we are a strong and godly church who are working together to serve God despite our failings. 

Of course, God’s word addresses all of these issues. Preachers are willing and eager to help, comfort, exhort and denounce sin in our lives, but there is one problem. We, too, are sinners. Unlike Jesus, who knew the hearts of meant today’s preachers don’t know what’s going on in your life unless you say and they have their own struggles, too. It’s interesting to see how willing people are to tell their doctors all about their aches and pains to get the help they need. Still, we are reluctant to share with each other the spiritual aches and pains that are destroying our sin-sick souls. 

Here is a summary of what I am saying: 

  1. Don’t put off coming to Jesus or worship until you get your life together. Come to Jesus. He will save you. 
  2. Rely on the church to help you get your life together. 
  3. Come to worship for whatever reason you come… you will be encouraged. 
  4. Read God’s word and address the sins and struggles you are facing. 
  5. Share your sins and struggles with someone else. You are not alone. 

James 5:16 – Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. A prayer of a righteous person, when it is brought about, can accomplish much.