One day God looked down at all of the little babies on His lap and sitting at His feet. As they looked up into His eyes, He knew He needed to make someone who He could trust to take care of them here on earth. He knew this person wouldn’t have to be perfect, but would have to be able to love the babies in her own beautifully perfect way.

That’s when God made a mother

He cradled the babies in His arms and thought about who they would need. Someone who would love them with as much ferocity as it would take to bring them into the world; some would grow them in their wombs, some would grow them in their hearts. Someone whose love would know no bounds and who would fight for the lives of the babies until her very last breath. Yes, fierce women.

So God made a mother.

Someone with arms strong enough to rock the babies at all hours of the night, yet gentle enough to lay them down without waking them back up again. Who could pull herself up out of the deepest trenches when she didn’t think she had anything left, then wipe the tears from her eyes and push through another day. Yes, strong women.

So God made a mother.

He needed someone who would find joy in the simple and purpose in the mundane, because He knew that was what the babies needed most. She didn’t have to be a famous celebrity or a renowned world leader, but He needed someone to be the hero of the babies’ hearts and keeper of their souls. Yes, good women.

So God made a mother.

He knew she needed to be a certain dimension. He didn’t care about the shape of her body or the size of her waist; He cared about the size of her heart. It needed to be big enough to grow even when she didn’t think it could anymore, and able to hold all of the love for the babies He was going to entrust her with. Yes, loving women.

So God made a mother.

He needed her to be able to break. Tender enough to shatter into a million pieces only to be able to be put back together again. Because He knew the love she would feel for the babies would absolutely wreck her soul. He knew this because He loved the babies first, more than she ever could. And yet, He wanted someone to experience that same kind of love, too. Yes, beautifully broken women.

So God made a mother.

And as God looked down at the babies, each one so fearfully and wonderfully made, He knew they needed a teacher. Someone to sit them on their laps, to read them His stories and teach them His truth. To sing them His songs and whisper His love for them. Yes, God-fearing women.

Women who would change the world by the shaping of tiny souls, while at the same time letting her calling shape her own soul. He knew there would be no one else like her. No one more pure, no destiny more fulfilling. No one the babies needed more.

That’s when God made a mother.

By Lauren Eberspacher from: