When you are involved in the church and plugging yourself in you are a part of something that is very special. The church needs your involvement, time, energy, money, and love. Why? It is special when you are interjecting yourself willingly in the local church because it is the Lord’s work.

When you are involved in the church you are involved in something that is GLOBAL. The church is made up of all those that are saved by being baptized and added to the church. Acts 2:41; 47 “So then, those who had received his word were baptized; and that day there were added about three thousand souls. praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.”. Your involvement in this “Something Special” should be automatic when you are converted to Christ and are baptized into His blood for the forgiveness of your sins.

When you are involved in the church you are involved in something that is LOCAL.The church is made up of all those that are in the local body of believers.  For us, we are the church at North Heights. We are a local group of Christians that function together as a congregation of the Lord’s people. You become a member here at North Heights when you decide you want to involve yourself in the work of the Lord and worship with us. It’s that simple. Your involvement in this “Something Special” should be something that you desire to do more than any other thing or achievement in your life. Put your work in the local kingdom of God’s people in the top spot of priorities in your life. There is nothing more important.

It is “something special” to be here at NHCOC and we want you to continue to work with us globally and locally.

I love you,
~ Alex