Imagine with me for a moment what your favorite foods are. Think about what really sounds delicious to you. What is your favorite meal? Turkey? Lasagna? BBQ ribs?

Imagine if someone would offer you the most delicious meal you can dream up of your favorite foods. When they bring it before you and set it down, you can eat as much of it as you want without limitations. The condition is that this will be offered to you only twice a week, and you can only eat these two meals all week long. Eating only twice a week is unhealthy as your body needs more nutrients than that, even if it is your favorite meal.

Too often, we starve ourselves when we only consume two meals from God’s Word weekly. We are not getting the nutrition that healthy Christians need. We listen to a beautiful sermon on Sunday morning. Maybe we attending a dynamic bible class that morning, too. And if we are not too tired, we might go to Bible class on Wednesday evenings. The Bible class teacher and preacher have spent hours preparing for the lesson/sermon. Still, we are not either showing up to listen or, even when we are there, we are not engaged in active listening. But even if we are, these few times per week are not enough ingesting of God’s Word.

We need personal time to feed ourselves the spiritual truths by studying God’s Word. We need daily spiritual nourishment. Therefore, we need to regularly study the scriptures on our own and train our children to do the same. The whole purpose of personal Bible Study is to feed yourself the truth of God’s word to become better and more equipped disciples of Jesus while looking for opportunities to share what you learned with others.

Stop eating so little and take in the healthy spiritual nourishment from God’s word by studying the Scriptures on your own daily.

Ask me about how I can help you develop the habit of studying the Scriptures on your own personal time. As much as a dietician will give you a regiment of healthy foods, I can give you help that will encourage you a healthy ingestion of God’s word. Step number one: Stop eating so little!

I love you,

Alex Mills