Have you ever been to a movie that wasn’t worth seeing? Or perhaps you’ve gone to a restaurant that wasn’t worth going to. Maybe losing weight or getting ripped isn’t worth working out every day. There have been times where I was hungry, but getting a snack wasn’t worth getting up out of my recliner.

Sometimes it feels like some things are just not worth it.

God gave us the Bible, not just to get us to Heaven, but to show us how to experience the best life right now. However, sometimes that’s not easy. In fact, sometimes it’s hard; really hard. Christ even says “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Denying yourself of things you may want, bearing a cross, those are pretty hard things.

It’s not easy. God knows it’s not easy. But He is worth it.

Here are some of my favorite verses that help me remember that God is worth it. I’m not going to type out each verse. Instead I would encourage you to open your Bible and highlight these so that you can have them handy when you need a reminder:
1 Cor 2:9 – We can’t even imagine the wonders God prepared for us. Go ahead, try to imagine the most awesome thing you can think of. That’s still not as cool as what God has waiting for you.
Mal 3:10 – People had stopped doing everything that God told them to do. They decided it wasn’t worth it. But God said, do exactly what I said to do and you’ll have blessings coming out of your ears. He says He’ll throw open the floodgates. To me, that’s a cool image.
Eph 3:20 – we try to limit God to what we think can or will happen. But God can go so far beyond our imagination in what He can and will do.
James 1:12 – God promises a reward to those who endure

What verses remind you that what’s in front of us is not as great as what God has waiting for us?

God is worth it. Christ endured humiliation, torture, and crucifixion because it was worth it. When we feel like it’s not worth it, He is worth it.