In John 8, a group of pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery before Jesus asking what they should do. Now the Law was very clear on this topic. Lev 20:10 plainly states that people who commit adultery are to be put to death.

To us, that may seem a little harsh. Execution, just for committing adultery? But yes, that is what God called for. God, Himself, is infinitely holy and any sin on our part creates a chasm between us and Him. Amongst the Israelites, sin had to be cut off harshly the same way that gangrene must be cut away before it spreads. Therefore, even though we might call it ‘only adultery,’ the sin was to result in death.

(Matthew wrote a really great article a couple of weeks ago about the dangers of belittling our sins. Read it here: ).

What about for us? Our societal law does not condemn people to death for sin, at least not for the sin of adultery. But spiritually speaking all sin still has the same consequence. Romans 6:23 – “for the wages of sin is death.” When we sin, when we mess up, just like this woman caught in adultery, the law is plainly written, we deserve to be separated from God, which is the second death.

However, instead of coming down with the full force of the law, Jesus shows compassion and forgives her (John 8:7-11). That’s because God doesn’t want you separated from Him (1 Tim 2:4), so He provided an avenue for your sins to be forgiven.

Here is your encouragement: When we mess up, He forgives us. And just like when we are lost, He guides us, the encouragement isn’t about you, its about Him. You aren’t able to atone for your sins, but He is and He does.

1 John 1:9 – If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us.

We mess up. And I hope that that makes you feel ashamed, maybe even a little scared. But take heart, He forgives. More than anyone you’ll ever know.