I can’t help it. There are too many great little nuggets to take from the Psalms for me not to share. Here’s another from Psalm 104…

The trees of the LORD are full of sap; the cedars of Lebanon, which he hath planted; 

(Psa 104:16)

The cedars of Lebanon were a real thing, but they were also so well known that they became sort of a poetic stand-in for any great (tall) thing. Still, in this case, the writer seems to have been thinking of them in particular. God planted those trees for us to enjoy.

The poet mentions those trees being full of sap. You might wonder why he says that, since it seems like such a random thing to include, but do you think converting a tree’s sap into syrup is a new thing? Granted, cedar syrup might not be as delicious as maple syrup, but sap has a plethora of other uses, including both medicinal (it can treat inflammations and topical infections) and survival (it makes a good aid to starting fires).

The point is we have those tools because God provided them for us to use and develop as needed. Back then, mining silicon to use as a semiconductor for tiny computer chips was unheard of, but today it’s the reason we have smartphones and desktop computers. Silicon is just a metal that is abundant in the earth, able to be mined and refined in the same way the ancients used sap to make long-lasting torches.

Technology comes from God. Thank Him for it.
