Jesus gets totally ridiculed for being with people that were the outcasts of society. Luke records the series of events in Luke 5. Here’s how it basically went down: 
  1. Jesus begins to preach from a boat that is owned by Peter.
  2. Jesus asks Peter to go fishing again after he had already been out all night and caught nothing.
  3. Peter catches such a haul of fish that he had to call in his partners, Andrew, James, and John, in the other boat to come help real in the nets of all the fish.
  4. All four fishermen, leave everything and begin to follow Jesus.
  5. Jesus heals many people that are sick, most notedly, a leper and a paralytic.
  6. News spreads quickly about Jesus’ miracles and the message of forgiveness.
  7. The Pharisees begin to gripe and complain.
  8. Jesus calls a tax collector named Matthew to follow him.
  9. Matthew leaves everything and throws a retirement party.
  10. The Pharisees gripe and complain even more.

Then Jesus says this…

It is not those who are well who need a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.
Luke 5:31-32
Here is the application part for you today: 
For whom are you looking? Are we just looking to tell people that agree with us the message we already know and cherish or are we willing to go to those that need the most help and tell them this message of hope?
Here at NHCOC I’m not here just to minister to you and tell you things you already know. I’m here to look for those whom have never heard the message or those whom need to repent of sins. Sometimes, it may be you I’m looking for, sometimes it might be fishermen, tax collectors, and those that are spiritually sick. Now, I’m not saying I’m Jesus, I’m just saying I want make sure I concentrate my ministry on those that need it the most. Same same.

P.S. Don’t be like the Pharisees and gripe and complain. NHCOC is no place for that. We got work to do saving souls and can’t be distracted by negativity.

I love you so much,
~ Alex